Yogcar: your mindful driving companion…

Movements and positive messages inspired by yoga and mindfulness. Be more comfortable, more relaxed, and more focused while driving.

With Yogcar, you arrive more alive.

Why Yogcar?

We live in the age of sitting. We sit to work, we sit to eat, we sit to be entertained AND we sit to drive. But people were made to move! So, move while you’re moving …

Check out the Yogcar video and meet Yoki.

Highly customizable sessions

Sore neck? Stiff shoulders? Select ‘Neck’ and ‘Shoulders’ from the ‘Body Focus’ settings and your Yogcar Sessions will emphasise movements designed to release tension and stiffness in these areas.

Yogcar uses Dynamic Session Composition to create sessions on the fly based on your preferences.

Improve your physical comfort via a series of movements based on yoga and get yourself into a positive and relaxed groove with ‘Mindful Moments’ and ‘Yogcar Thoughts’. 

Review from ‘Yoga Today’ the journal 


… This app was a pleasure to trial. It has made my trips to and from work more of a ‘me time’ experience and this has had a great impact on my overall daily mood. I will definitely be continuing to use it in the future.

Start moving today

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